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An Abstract Summary: The Principles For Innovation In The Creative Ideas.Spark Realm

Updated: Aug 14, 2020

For the Past Several Years, I Have Taken A Case-by-Case Approach to Studying Creativity. With Good Result, I Have Become Much More Creative. Cases Are the Bottom-Up Method Where The Rubber Really Meets The Road. It's As Close And Hands-on As We Can Get. It is The Magic of Creativity That Not Even The Inventor Himself Even Knows How He Came Up With It. There Lies The Creative Side's Mystery and Maybe It's UnDiscoverable Secret. But For Most Other Cases, We Can See How 'n Why And That's Where We Come In To Formulate the Recurrence. I Have Also Decided 'n Defaulted On A Principle'd Approach To Innovation and Generation. Like a Skill, Creativity Can Be Learned, Acquired, Improved, and Increased Upon. It Can Also Be Translated, i.e. From One Situation/Domain To Another. The More We Do Practice, The More Better We Do Become. Now Some Are More Naturally Creative Than Others. But For Others Like Us, We Just Have To Work More At It To Equalize.

So, Empathy-in-Design Has Been The Great Gift That Truly Keeps On Giving. But, It Can't Be the Only One In This Creative Realm. There's What I Call The Theorems.Proof Realm Where Our Logic Steps 'n Increments Forward Verifiably. The Triumphs In Human Reasoning. And, Then There's What I Call The Ideas.Spark Realm Where Our Creative Makes Discontinuity Leaps Of Mind. I Call It Break 'n Great Thinking. That Artsy Aesthetic Domain. Both Realms Of Mind Are Exact Opposites To Each Another But Complementary Opposites I Would Only Guess. Complementary Opposites Make A Greater Whole Right?!

Back To The Principles. So Far, I Have Formulated Eight Other Additional Principles For Innovation Below. There Can Be More In This Creative Realm. I Hope That The Principles Will Benefit Others and Contribute To Research, Development, Projects, Progress, and Technology. Principles Are Gifts That Keep On Giving. That's One Nice Thing About Them. So, Let The Principles Help You Generate The Project Ideas Should You Run Short 'n In The Blank?! It's Where You Can Always Circle Come Back To When You Got Blank Slate. Following Each Principle, I Elaborate More Below With a Particular Related Post WebLink. Don't Miss Out Too On My Other Posts Worthy Of Your Time and Read.

Only The Creative Thrives! Continues To Exist and Be Relevant. The Rest Risk Being Left Behind And Forgotten Obsolete. Survives, Too Dramatic A Term. Paranoid, A Bit Raw Also...

1. Empathy What Pains A User/Consumer? What's Lacking For Them? Streamline It and Fulfill It For Them. How To Make Technology Simple and Effortless.

2. Echo It Is The Nature Of Ideas That One Inspires/Spawns Another. So, Let Their Ideas Inspire and Beget Yours. Don't Know What To Wear Or Eat. Look Around At Other People To Synthesize. Just Self-Driving Cars. Aren't Self-Driving City Buses With Set Routes Much Better Application of Machine Learning For Mass Transit?!

3. It's Re`new`able! Seeing The New In The Old. A New Light! Again 'n Again. Re-imagined. Re-invent.

4. The Galapagos (B)reak Thinking. (G)reat 'n Original Ideas. A Place Where Life Broke Away 'n Evolve Independently. You Must Too Sometimes. Much Is Said About 'The Process' To Find Connections Is An Essential. Bu Less Is Said Or Never About Being Unhinged/DisConnected. First Is A Reset. To Crumple Your Mental Paper. Throw It In The Trash. Forget It And Reset Yourself. To Get Out Of Track To Start Anew Direction. Second Is A Leap. A Spontaneous Jump Off/Beyond Page 'n Reason. Artists Work Best No Logic 'n Derivation. 'The Process' Is Both ConnectionFul and ConnectionLess.

5. The Vision Follow The Vision, Not The Path. Products and Services Roadmap. The Future Of The Architecture. Spotting Technology Waves. "Another Day 'n Another Vision. Another Night 'n Another Dream. Another Project 'n Another Churn." I Finally Wrote A Famous Quote Under My Name Now.

6. Incorporate Just Give Due Credit. How To Not Just Take Their Features, But To Add and Improve Upon To Enrich Your Own Products 'n Services. Cross-Breeding And Hybrid'ing. Incorporate To Accumulate.

7. The Connection Best By Example. What Do You Call A Cross Between A Bumble Bee And A Bird? An Hummingbird Of Course. It Connects. And Another Example. The Need Is Your Lead.

8. Variety 'n Diversity This Can't Be The Only Way! There's Got To Be Other Different And More Ways To Make It, Use It, Solve It, Do It. Find It Out. The Only Thing Constant Is Different! Change Too, Of Course. Same Dog, But Different Breeds. Same Car, But Different Models. Must Be 365+ Models Than The Days In A Year. How To Do An Eggplant Seven Ways 'Til Sunday. The Menu of Variety Food Analogy.

9. The Need Needs & Leads. The Need Is Actually Your Lead! To Create And Invent It. To Fulfill The Need. Now, The Need Can Be A Hidden Not-So-Obvious One.

If Not A Need, Oh Well A Problem Then. Find The Problem. Solve It First. And, The Business Will Soon Follow. The Problem Before The Business.

When It Comes To Problems, The Classic Cliche 'Thinking Outside The Box' Continues To Have Great Utility. It's Breaking That Spell Of Thought You Inadvertently Found Yourself In, And To Go Against the Herd, Grain, and Convention.

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