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The Chemistry of Ideas.

Less About Chemistry of Chemicals, More About Chemistry of Ideas Here. A Playground for Ideas. Making, Incorporating, Compounding, Mixing, Formulating, Synthesizing, Building (Ideas Upon Ideas), Analyzing, Developing, Filtering, Brainstorming, Sharing, and Any Else You Play 'n Do With Ideas.

This Is Gonna Go Down Good. Not To Mention 3/4th Juice Plus 1/4th Wine Too. And Fruit-Flavored Balsamic Vinegars Also. Same Idea, Different Expressions.

A Moth for Energy; I Can Not Lie. How Can You Confine A Little Bit of the Sun In a Bottle So Hot It Melts Any 'n Every Thing?! Use A Tokomak Instead. To Confine It Without Ever Touching It At All. Sets up an Helical Magnetic Field to Wrap, Cover, 'n Enclose a Confinement Doughnut. The Elusive Quest for Nuclear Fusion. Energy As Abundant As We Want It. Generating UnLimitless Electricity With No Carbon, No Pollution.

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