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Climate Controversial. Change or Cycles?

Updated: Jun 10, 2022

Both. The Full Scoop. A Survey of Time. Milankovitch Cycles Seemed To Have Governed Climate Cycles Over Thousands / Millions of Years. Look At It This Way. Human-Influenced Milankovitch Cycles. So,

Climate Cycles = A1 * Func(Earth Tilt, Sun Distance, Earth Precession) + A2 * Func(Human CO2).

Constants A1 + A2 = 1.0

A Pseudo-Equation. A2 is Attribution Science. Say A1 = 0.9 and A2 = 0.1 Now. As More Human CO2 Release Accumulates 'n Increases, A2 Goes To Say 0.3 Later.

We Are Inadvertently TerraForming the Earth. And, Delaying and Tempering The Coming of Next Ice Age, aka Big Global Freeze, Coming 80,000 Years From Now.

The Last Ice Age Was 20,000 Years Ago. Here In Our InterGlacial Warm Period, We Have the Flowering of Agriculture and All The Life Forms, and the Blossoming of Science 'n Technology. Short-Term Centuries-Scale Pain For Longer-Term Milder Ice Ages? We Freeze Either Way. Just How Much Maybe....

Missed A Climate Goal? Try Again And Again. Like A Bad Habit. Bend The Curve As Best We Can. Just Adapt and Thrive. Move Isn't Fun. Can't Be Too Set In Like Concrete Either.

The Svalbard Global Seed Vault May Not Be A Bad Idea! If Things Reset See The Pic Below, Can Grow All Over Again. It Is "A Backup for the World's 1,750 Seed Banks - Storehouses of Agricultural Biodiversity".

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