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Full-Spectrum Universe. Space Telescopes.

Updated: Dec 29, 2021

The Universe Is Only 5% Visible Matter (That Interacts With Light So Detectable). Light As In Up and Down the Full EM Spectrum. When Matter Emits, Reflects, Refracts, Scatters, and Etc.

The Rest of the Universe Is 95% Invisible (That Doesn't Interact With Light). It is 27% Dark Matter + 68% Dark Energy. Dark Matter Doesn't Emit Light Or Interact With Light. But We Can Indirectly Detect It By It's Gravitation Effect On Nearby Objects. The Invisible Wind Exists Because We See/Detect The Tree Leaves Moving. Dark Energy Is An Theorized Unknown Force Or Energy But Necessary And Needed To Explain The Accelerated Expansion of The Present Universe. It Can Be Thought of As 'Repulsive Gravity'.


Snapshots From "Space in Infrared, More Than Meets the Eye: The James Webb Experience" ~ by Dr. Stephanie LaMassa

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