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Ideas Are Electricity. That Essential.

Why Are Ideas So Important?! They Keep Innovation and Things Going & Growing! Keep Things Running. Ideas Refreshes, Re-invigorates, Revitalizes, Re-ignites, and Renews Things. From Wilted to Vibrant Once More.

Companies Are Built On And Around An Idea. “Ideas are the Root of All Creation.” ~ E. Dimnet. The Right Ideas Can Be Volcanic and Fruitful Spectacular. The Wrong Ideas Do Consume Alot Of Time and Wasted Effort. Researching Ideas...

Ideas Have Power. The Power to Change the World.

Ideas Are Catalysts. Inspires and Jumpstarts Change, Progress, and Development.

Ideas Transforms. The Way We Live and Think. The Fields of Knowledge. Spurs Creativity, Innovation, and Technology.

"Great Equations May Sleep In Books, Make Things Work. But,

Great Ideas Powers, Inspires, and Changes The World." ~ Spark2Drive.

Ideas Powers the Economy. Creates Better and Higher Standards of Living, Wealth, and Prosperity.

Mitigation & Adaptation: "Every Event Is Not Climate Change. And, Climate Change Is Not In Every Event."

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“Ideas are the root of creation,” noted the French writer Ernest Dimnet. Ideas are the lifeblood of innovation. They are important because they have the power to change the world.

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Ideas are catalysts[help it along] for progress, change, and human development in society. In business, ideas spur creativity and innovation.

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Companies built on and around an Idea.

Ideas power the Economy.

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Today I’ve invited some of the smartest people in the country, some of the most imaginative and effective researchers in the country -- some very smart people to talk about the challenge that I issued in my State of the Union address:

to grow our economy, to create new jobs, to reignite a rising, thriving middle class by investing in one of our core strengths, and that’s American innovation.

Ideas are what power our economy. It’s what sets us apart. It’s what America has been all about. We have been a nation of dreamers and risk-takers; people who see what nobody else sees sooner than anybody else sees it. We do innovation better than anybody else -- and that makes our economy stronger.

When we invest in the best ideas before anybody else does, our businesses and our workers can make the best products and deliver the best services before anybody else.

And because of that incredible dynamism, we don’t just attract the best scientists or the best entrepreneurs -- we also continually invest in their success. We support labs and universities to help them learn and explore. And we fund grants to help them turn a dream into a reality. And we have a patent system to protect their inventions. And we offer loans to help them turn those inventions into successful businesses.


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