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Innovate Out. Build Out. Or, Grow Out.

Updated: Jan 5

Innovate Out. Build Out. Grow Out. Or, Whatever Out! Because This 'Star' Still Have Plenty Of LifeCycle Left. Before Being Burnt Out. Don't Want To Inflate Out For Sure.

Create Out. Re-Invent Out. Up-Skill Out. Re-Tool Out. Copy Out? Just Once Then.

Life Is What You (C)reate It. Not What You (M)ake It Cliche. No Ordinary World...

Not DIY - (D)o (I)t (Y)ourself.

But, BIY - (B)uild (I)t (Y)ourself.

Or, MIY - (M)ake (I)t (Y)ourself.

Infrastructure Electricity, Clean Water, and Sewage. Plumbing, HVAC.

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