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Oct. 2020. 300 Million Vaccine Doses Secured! From AstraZeneca.

What If Someone Told You The Oxford Vaccine Worked On Someone 93% Like You?! Bet Big! 300 Million Doses Secured From AstraZeneca By Oct. 2020.

Ramping Up ApiJect's BFS Prefilled Dose Syringe Needles. 100 Million Dose Syringes by 2020. 500 Million Dose Syringes by 2021.

ApiJect: Their Novel Fast-Manufature 'EyeDrop' Blow-Fill-Seal Dose Syringes with Easy Attach Needles.

Versus: Current Traditional Slow-Manufacture Fill 'n Seal Small Glass Vials. To Be Used With Separate Empty Syringe Needle.

Monkey Success. Twice!! The Oxford & The Strains Vaccine.

The Oxford Vaccine. Expect Sept. 2020. A Gene-Edited AdenoVirus With SARS-CoV-2 Protein Spikes. Harmless AdenoViruses Made To Look Like Real Deadly SARS-CoV-2 Ones To Induce Immunity. Monkeys Vaccinated With Oxford Vaccine Built Immunity Beforehand Protected From Subsequent Real Deadly SARS-CoV-2 Viral Exposure/Challenge.

The Strains Vaccine. A Chemically-InActivated Mix of SARS-CoV-2 Strains. Monkeys Vaccinated With The Strains Built BROAD Immunity Beforehand Protected From Subsequent Exposure.

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