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Real-Life Solutions. Not So Clear.

Real-Life Problems Are Not So Well-Defined, Well-Bounded, And Clear-Cut As They Say. A Bit Blurred. Defining The Problem, Really Understanding The Problem First Is Half Your Solution Already. “A Problem Well Stated [Defined] Is Half Solved.” ~ C. Kettering. Good Truth.

Big But - Public Policy And Intractable Could Be Synonyms. In General - To Every Problem, There’s Always A Solution Or Two. Problems ’n Solutions They're Best Visualized Like Fitting Puzzle Pieces. Several Solution Pieces Are There To Find, Fit, And Solve Your Problem.

Odds Are Really Good In Your Favor. 95% Of Time There’s A Solution. 5% No Solution. And Someone Else Might Know-How Too! Have Faith, Trust That The Missing Solution / Piece Is Out There!

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