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Ultra-Deep GeoThermal: Nuclear Fusion Without The Fuss!

Updated: Feb 1

Until There Is Nuclear Fusion, There Is ‘Infinite’, Green, Accessible GeoThermal-Electric Energy Almost Anywhere. Near Coasts ‘n Seawater. Reliable & Renewable Base-Load Quality Energy Source Available 24/7/365.

Better To Go After the ‘Lower-Hanging’ Fruits First And Easier Energy Now. And Leave the ‘Higher-Hanging’ Fruits And Harder Energy Later When Ready.

“ The Core of the Earth is the largest, accessible, & most sustainable “battery” with 99% of its volume hotter than 1000˚C. The core is a constant, sustainable, and predictable source of “free” energy that will last for 6 billion years. “ ~ GA Drilling. PlasmaBit Technology.

Ultra-Deep Geothermal Power Can Be Made Possible by the Drilling Advancements & Breakthroughs Which Can Make It More Feasible, Economical, and Cost-Effective To Deep Drill To 10 Km / 6 Mile Depth. Cheaper & Deeper. Creating and Giving Greater Widely-Available Global Access To Geothermal Power Than Only At Natural Locations.

Can Replace Coal-Fired Power Plants On A 1:1 Basis. Ultra-Deep Geothermal Is Certainly A Much More Easier Feat To Do Than Near-Impossible Nuclear Fusion.

GA Drilling Video:

GA Drilling's "Walking" AnchorBit & "Electric Arc" PlasmaBit Drill.

Promises Deeper & Cheaper Geothermal Power.

~ by Loz Blain. June 07, 2023.

Quaise's Ultra-Deep Geothermal Drilling Plans.

Gyrotron-Powered mmWave Directed-Energy Beam Drilling.

~ Loz Blain. March 06, 2022

"More or less any existing power station that uses fossil-fueled heat to create steam

and run turbines can be connected to a totally reliable, 24-hour supply of green energy

that'll keep those turbines turning generating electricity and without the worrying

intermittency of other renewable sources like wind and solar energy."

"Quaise plans to do this right underneath old coal and gas-fired power stations as

they're retired, replacing fossil-fueled heat with clean geothermal, but taking advantage of the existing turbines, grid connections, and other plant infrastructure that would otherwise be stranded when the plants close down."

Three Main Types of Geothermal Power Plants.

Dry Steam. Flash Steam. Binary Cyle.

“ The core of the Earth is the largest, accessible, & most sustainable “battery” with 99% of its volume hotter than 1000˚C. The core is a constant, sustainable, and predictable source of “free” energy that will last for 6 billion years. “

“We can drill to the previously prohibitive depths of up to 10 km & unlock clean, constant, inexpensive, baseload geothermal energy anywhere.”

“Geothermal energy is the only renewable source of clean & baseload energy available day or night, rain or shine, 24/7/365 days a year.”

“With our unique technology any location on Earth can provide clean, inexpensive and nonstop available geothermal energy. Accessing 10 km depths allows greater energy production per well than previously calculated.”

“Geothermal has the distinct capability of replacing coal-fired power plants on a 1:1 basis.”

Geothermal Power Is Earth’s Natural Power.

“Creating global access to geothermal as a reliable renewable energy source.”

“Steering the world toward a greener future with Earth's natural power.”

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